Monday, January 11, 2010

W.W.R.W ( what would Rihanna wear)

My god! I swear I could live through 2010 with JUST these 2 things. F'in LOVE them. S.O to Jenn for making me open my eyes to those glasses. Damn. I'll be fantasizing about these all my life - because we all know I am NOT spending $2,000 on those shoes ( if i could i would. but i cant) DIEING OVER HERE. KNOCKOFF'S WHERE YOU AT ( trey voice)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

1st Bitch. cont.

I have no idea what to blog about yet but here's an intro to what I like/support/fuck with ...etc

I'm not obsessed. I just love the shit out of Drake (since back in Degrassi days). He's my favorite artist EVER - and I won't go into details as to why or how YET but just know. DONT DISRESPECT DRIZZY DADDY ;)

It's hard to talk about anyone or anything else after A.D.G - just no comparisons =]
Here's some cool people to follow though
@xxlittlemiss @lboogy247 @itskocky ( take a listen to his shit... )

but im quitting for now .. goodnight x0

1st Bitch.

1st blog ever so first I'd like to say: Viva la Bitch!! Its not easy getting away with voicing your opinion about EVERYTHING in person but this internet shit makes it alot easier. Out with the old and IN with the internet-everything trend. Hope this blogging doesn't get me into too much trouble =0 ... Lets see how it goes.
